The morning after Hannah's birthday, Brent put together her new "Walk n' Ride" toy. She had a great time learning how to ride on it and even figured out how to lift her feet so that we could push her around. She also LOVES the compartment that she can pull toys out of. One of Hannah's favorite games is to take things in and out of containers.
Hannah woke up from one of her naps last week with a fat lip. We have no idea where it came from. Here are some before and after pictures of the fat lip.
Hannah turned one year old on Friday, October 13th. She had a nice birthday party with friends, and Grandma Powell even came from Colorado to celebrate. Hannah had a great time opening presents. Her favorite one was her Elmo chair, as is evidenced by her giving him kisses.
Here are more pictures from Ashley's blessing weekend. We had a great time catching up with family and we even got to meet Chris' girlfriend, Shalom. Grandpa Powell helped Hannah figure out how to swing, and she LOVED it. She could have kept on swinging for hours.